
ATK ★★★★ | DEF ★★ | SPD -


Hold L

Load shots

Release L (shots loaded)

Fire in a frontal cone

↓ + Release L (shots loaded)

Rear-fire in a cone


The most aggresive tool in your arsenal of explosives, the Ballhog fires five bouncing bombs—one by one in precise shots, or all at once in a shotgun-blast!

When YOU'VE got it... When THEY'VE got it...
  • When charged, Ballhog’s frontal shot fans out to cover a wide area. Combine it with your own speed to clear out a room!
  • A backwards Ballhog travels much slower, staying densely packed in a wall of explosives—good for forcing pursuers off their racing line.
  • Prototype versions of Ballhog could bounce, but after a laboratory accident, the bombs were redesigned to explode on contact with walls—making it safer to use in close quarters.
  • Blocking Ballhog with an item of your own is often a losing bet—the attacker can have up to 5 shots. Keep yourself away from the attacker’s racing line, and you’ll be an unappealing target.
  • Charging Ballhog takes time. Listen for the charge, then duck and cover!
  • Each projectile can only hit one target. In a pinch, look for other racers to use as shields!